
Reichenberg, one of our black belts, passed away August 28th, 2011 during Huricane Irene. Besides being a
student and instructor, Moshe was also the father of two of our boy students Eliyahu and Akiva. Moshe died Al Kidush
Hashem trying to save a child's life. His levaya was attended by hundreds today, a testament to how many were affected
by him in a positive way. Moshe has been a member of HWT since 2001. During that time he frequently
substituted for me when I was ill or on vacation. The highlight of his career was achieving the 2nd Dan Black Belt from
Grandmaster Hwang in 2009. Whenever Moshe entered, he lightened up the dojang with his positive energy.
This summer Moshe camped out with his entire family at Grandmaster Hwangs week long Taekwondo camp. He
was a dedicated husband, father, and son. He was dedicated to Torah study and living as an honest Torah observant
Jew. We will all miss Moshe's smiling face and willingness to improve and share his
knowledge. During these years Moshe and I have become good friends and shared so many good times. I will miss
him greatly. Moshe Yosef Reichenberg z”l was
only 50 when his life was tragically cut short as he attempted to save the life of a young child who had been struck by a
fallen high voltage power line. The selfless instincts he exhibited were the embodiment of his life. Over 25 years ago he
enrolled in Ohr Somayach and he quickly endeared himself to everyone he came into contact with. Although Moshe Yosef’s
life was beset with extreme financial and personal challenges his infectious joy and emunah never wavered. He was a beacon
of light to his neighbors and chaverim and a pillar of support to his wife and four children.