A taekwondo practitioner is required to strive at all times to be a "human weapon"
in mind and spirit as well as body. This "weapon" must be used constantly to do good and be a champion of freedom
and justice.
Mind - We must train our minds to be sharp. We can use our intellect to write letters, organize protests,
and argue for the common good. A true taekwondo practitioner must leave no stone unturned to accomplish these goals. Our compassion
for our fellow must only be rivaled by our strength of character. We know that superior intellect can often defeat, or even
better disarm an opponent.
Body - We train our bodies to be well oiled machines to protect ourselves and our loved
ones from harm. We are also prepared for the instant when other fellow human beings may need our assistance. We especially
favor the frail, the very young and the very old. We know that the tougher we make ourselves the less likely we will be to
have to use physical might. We keep our bodies fit and substance free so we can be counted on to be alert and able when we
are needed.
Spirit - We train for indomitable spirit so we will not give up easily our fights for the good things
in this world. We train to first act as human weapons of peace and love and only as a last resort and in defense only as weapons
of destruction. We know that the ultimate strength is the control of strength as is symbolized by the ready position "A"
found in ITF Taekwondo patterns.
He who conquers the world is mighty, but he who conquers himself is the true master.
The world needs to understand the truth concerning what
it means to be a warrior, a man or woman who lives by principles and a code of honor.
The truth needs to be told about those noble people who train
hard to protect those around them as well as themselves.
Warriors don't work hard, perfecting their martial arts skills because they love fighting. They don't work,
sweat, and bleed in order to brag about their skills.
True warriors don't train for glory or recognition. They train to protect those that cannot help themselves -
their family, the weak, the elderly, and those that deserve their protection.
The real warrior has found this path through his training, physically, mentally, and spritually. He or she
understands the difference between training to look tough and training to be tough. It is the difference between training with a weapon and training to be a weapon, a weapon that is not waived
like a banner to get attention, but rather a weapon that is always quietly there, ensuring the protection of those around
It is the difference between someone who knows how to
fight but hopes he never has to fight and someone constantly trying to prove to himself and others that he can fight.
In short we vow:
When we see evil we
Walk against it, talk against
it, write against it, and fight against it.
When we see good
we will:
for it, talk for it, write for it, and fight for it.